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Content Gorilla AI Review & Bonus – 2022 AI Version

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In this Content, Gorilla AI review, I'm going to be showing you a software, that's going to allow you to get 100 unique content that you can use on all of your different web pages to get 100% organic free traffic. This is all in one cloud-based software and if you stay into the end you will discover my amazing one on one bonus!

I'm also going to show you all the different, OTOs and upgrades. If you're new to my channel, my name is Steve Last, I'm an experienced affiliate marketer.

Now, at this point, I know that a lot of you will be pleased to simply watch my video which is directly below here. But, for those that like to scan through quickly and read the highlights I have also included the video content below – transcribed via Content Gorilla of course!

I do these reviews every few days so that you can get the best deals and upcoming software and courses. If at any point, during this review, you want to take a look at the Content Gorilla AI offer, just go; ahead and click that link below.

Check Out Content Gorilla AI Here

Also, please like this video. It really helps out my youtube channel and I appreciate it. But, make sure you hit that subscribe button and bell notification last thing before we jump in here.

My Bonus in Brief

If you purchase this through my link I will set up one WordPress blog for the first 10 buyers who go through my link.

Stop stressing over the content for your blog.

Finally, a reliable solution with authority generates content in the style of experts like Tony Robbins or Neil Patel in just 59 seconds. That means that existing and newbie bloggers can at last stop stressing over the content for their blogs.

What is the Content Gorilla Mission?

Essentially what this software does is, allows you to take different content, from Youtube videos and then automatically publish it onto your website.

You might be thinking; “Oh, that's stealing! I can't do that.”

Thoroughly Legal and Ethical Content Creation

Well, there are ways this software provides to rewrite the Youtube content to make it your own.

Alternatively, you would take content from videos that have already given the rights for people to use them. It's called Creative Commons.

It's allowed. They've said; “Here you guys. Use my videos for anything”. “Use them, however, you want. And the reason why people do that a lot of times is that they can get more traffic on their videos, and people will watch them more.

So they give away those rights for a few extra views. Now with this software, you can go out there and you can instantaneously download their transcriptions. Then make blog posts using artificial intelligence to write about that same subject but in another way. The original creator can only claim copyright on the text and images they created. He or she does not own the ideas they wrote about. You just need to write about the same ideas but in an original and engaging way. That is where the AI comes in. The AI will take the content from the article and rewrite it for you.

Other Features (Included in the Initial Purchase)

You can automatically hyperlink specific keywords. Plus this software has an article outline generator, so it;

  • takes the gobbledygook that Youtube makes.
  • uses its AI learning

and it will actually format the transcription into a full article. Also in CG, is a Content Calendar (to post to a schedule), SEO scoring, flexible search options, and deep search filters.

Quick convert is provided so we can process our writing much faster. It will correct grammar mistakes for you, auto punctuates them, and find and replace added images.

Another added feature is image post tags, and yet another is a social content creator. Syndication is also provided.

This is a ton of stuff packed into one software plus it is a social post image. Build internal linking so you can get, more link juice. You can download the content multi-posting, both poster tons and tons of stuff inside a very powerful software.

They have training as well, where they're going to teach you exactly how to set up your websites and how to do WordPress.

You will want to have a WordPress website with this because you will want to publish it automatically with all these extra things included inside.

So that's the deal on the front end.

What I'm going to do now is play you a quick video, explaining this a little bit more then I'm going to come back and show you the backend area, the bundle OTO deal and all the rest of the OTOS.

The Ultimate Unlimited Bundle of All the Content Gorilla AI OTOs

In the words of Neil Napier talking about his OTO1, the unlimited upgrade bundle with a huge discount while the “FASTPASS” coupon is available:

“Hey there! Neil Napier here and I want, to thank you for joining our Gorilla troupe you made a wise decision and I appreciate you before. You go any further.

Take a few minutes to watch this special video. My goal today is to make sure that you can maximize the impact you create with Content, Gorilla AI.

Now that you have content AI you're ready to automate your content creation and marketing, so how would you like to make your content creation and marketing 100hands-free? How would you like to rank higher on, google with long-form authority content?

Content that is published automatically to your social media channels with a single click?

Let me introduce you to Content Gorilla. Unlimited version.

This upgrade has three additional massive features that enhance the value you get from content gorilla AI, enriched with rank maximizing features.”

You'll need a wordpress website for this because you'll want it to be published automatically. All of this is included in the initial purchase price.

What I Like About Content Gorilla AI

So, what do I like? I like the way that even with the initial offer you get access to the basic functionality of the app. You may run out of AI credits, but even then you can still obtain transcripts add images, etc, and create blog posts even if there are no AI credits left.

What I Don't Like About Content Gorilla AI

So, what don't I like? What I don't like is a common fault with AI. AI needs very careful proofreading.

It's easy to miss factual errors which could get you into trouble. It's very fallible. AI or not, you must always see it just as a tool.

Buy from the Link above for Our WP Installation Bonus Offer

Now all that's left is for me to explain my bonus.

The missing link in this whole offer is that to get started you will need to set up a WordPress blog on hosting. Not everyone wants to do that.

Content Gorilla AI Review – My Bonus Details

So to solve that I will work with the first 10 Content Gorilla AI Review buyers through my link who buy any upgrade/ OTO which includes a DFY website free of charge. When they buy their domain and hosting I will go in and set up their first blog.

Thank you so much for watching this today and if you want to take a look at content Gorilla AI go ahead and click that link below.

At the end of the day if you want content this is a great way to get it. Plus I'd be grateful if you could vote for me by liking the video and if you subscribe you will be able to see my next review video.

Check Out Content Gorilla AI Here

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